Thursday, December 22, 2016

"Chisago County Board Votes Against Proposed Muslim Cemetery "--

Oh God, here we go again!
The Chisago County Board has voted against a proposed Muslim cemetery.
The board voted 3-2 Wednesday night against the Islamic Community of Bosniaks in Minnesota’s proposal to create a private Muslim natural cemetery on a 16-acre site in rural Chisago Lake Township.
Commissioners George McMahon, Lora Walker and Rick Greene voted to deny the Conditional Use Permit, and Commissioners Mike Robinson and Ben Montzka voted to allow it.

A natural cemetery means a loved one is buried using only a cloth -- no casket, vault or embalming fluid. Some neighbors had expressed health concerns over the natural cemetery.
"We have 1,500 members of our mosque, and they all expressed desire to be buried the traditional way, which, when you look at, is very much like the United States used to bury their loved ones," proponent Enes Gluhich said in a previous KSTP interview.
The board said the cemetery is proposed for a 16-acre plot, which they say is a small parcel for the planned use and will result in a “close proximity” to neighbors. The board said it’s “too tight” of a lot for the number of burials expected.
The board also said the land has potential for future residential development, which would be less likely to happen if there was a cemetery there, and the presence of a cemetery would lead to property devaluation of up to 12.3 percent of a home’s value.
The board also cited the “general unsightliness” of a cemetery in the area, saying area neighbors would be negatively impacted by it.

OK--now wait a minute. Our burial laws are made to protect groundwater contamination, in addition to other things.  We, as Americans, must abide by these laws.  So why the hell does anyone think they can come here, and change our laws and rules, because it is not in keeping with their beliefs?  Heads UP, people!  If you don't want to live by our laws, no one is holding you here.  Feel free to send your loved ones body back where this sort of burial IS allowed.  But if you are in AMERICA--either accept things the way they are, or go back to your own country. 
Yes, we USED to bury our dead this way--before we came to understand it was NOT the right way to do things, and could cause irreparable harm.  
Sadly--there are people who care going to scream "racist" or "discrimination" against Muslims.
This has NOTHING to do with either. If you are going to live in America, you must live within our laws.  If you can't--it's simple.  Leave.  The door goes both ways. You cannot have it all.


Thursday, November 17, 2016

HUNTERS--you can all go to HELL!

I married into a family of hunters.  One of my earliest memories of my new father in law went like this;
He brought me into the living room to see his ducks, taixidermied, hanging on the wall. ( I was pregnant with his first grandson at the time, and determined that my child would NOT grow up and chose to kill Innocent animals.)
I looked sadly at the ducks, and turned and asked him--
His answer--"Because I love them."

I stood there a moment, and turned to him and said these exact words;
"Well, I love your son--but that does not mean I want to see him dead and hanging on my wall."

My father in law never again spoke of hunting to me. My son grew up respecting life.

Lately I have been seeing stories of "men" (I use the word loosely) who have killed gorgeous animals, deers with huge antlers.  I have to ask them this;

WHY kill them?  Does this make you more of a man?  I think any REAL man would respect the deer for the many years they had survived.   I think a REAL man would shoot them with a camera, not a gun or arrow.

The simple truth is, we no longer need to hunt to feed our families. Hunting is a SPORT.  Killing beautiful animals is a SPORT.  This makes me sick, and frankly, hunters make me sick. Even though my husband was raised with this mentality, he has not hunted since we married.  He sees the value, the beauty in life. He respects the animals and the years they have survived. He would rather see a 36 point buck walking majestically through our yard, than kill it. My husband is a real man, a man of values and integrity, a man who respects life and nature.

I hope the rest of you know and understand the Karma you have chosen for yourselves.

Saturday, November 12, 2016

Have a Happy Day!

Friday, November 11, 2016

Questions for Half of the Country

OK, America--or at least, the half of America that drank the poisoned kool-ade fed to them by Trump.  I have questions for you.

If you are a woman--are you ready to be told that the government has a right to say what you can and can't do with your own body? Are you prepared for womens rights to be set back to the grand old days, when women died of coat hanger abortions? Because this will be YOUR fault.

What do you think will happen when this ignorant, arrogant person decides he is tired of playing president, and he wants to go golf or hop on his plane and take a nice, 3 month long vacation? Do you believe for one minute that he understands this is a 24/7/365 JOB that he MUST show up for?  This spoiled brat who has always done what he wanted, when he wanted?  

How is it that an election is "rigged" if he loses, but not if he wins? (Russian hacks, anyone?)

How does this POS have time to constantly be on Twitter?  He is like a teen, his phone is attached to his hand (and, apparently, his mouth.....)  Put the phone down and LEAD, jerk.  You are not 14 years old, so stop acting like it.

In the words of film icon Betty Davis-
Fasten your seatbelts, we are in for a bumpy (night) ride.

Monday, October 24, 2016

Saying Goodbye to a Beloved Friend

Today was a very difficult day.  Today I lost a dear, long time friend. 

My friend was a giant pine tree.  He has stood sentinel at the front corner of our house since well before we moved here 24 years ago.  I always viewed this tree as a protector, guarding us quietly as it stood in majestic beauty. But the years took their toll, and he began to die a couple of years ago. Even so, it was so very hard to say goodbye! I love my trees, they have taught me so much. They have shown me you have to stand strong and tall, and hold your ground, but also be flexible enough to bend with the storms.  

Next spring, we will plant another pine in his honor.  I have saved a bit of the wood, not sure if I will be able to carve it, but maybe I can make a couple things.  I would like to make a turned bowl, I saved a nice sized slice.  I cannot think of any other way to honor this tree who has watched over us all these years.

Goodbye, old friend. I will always miss you.


Thursday, October 20, 2016

Yep--we're TOAST.

Saturday, October 1, 2016

46th Anniversary

Our 46th wedding anniversary is Oct 2.  As I get older, thoughts of my mortality are more frequent.  Thoughts of death are never happy, but these days, for some reason, the words of W H Auden linger in my mind--(paraphrased)

He (is) my North, my South, my East and West,
My working week and my Sunday rest,
My noon, my midnight, my talk, my song

These words, written so long ago, so perfectly sum up my feelings towards my husband of 46 years.  Wade is, and has always been, EVERYTHING to me.  He lifts me, he defines me, he is part of my very soul.  Without him, I am not complete.  We have shared 46 years together--actually more, if you consider the time were were together before we got married.  We met in high school, when we were both 16.  He breathes in, I breathe out--this is how it is. When he is with me, I can face anything. I love this man so purely, so completely, and I cannot conceive of a life without him in it. I actually pray that I die first, because I KNOW I cannot live without him.
"If you should go before me, dear, walk slowly down the ways of death, well worn and wide--
 for I would want to travel quickly, and seek the journeys ending by your side.
I would be so forlorn not to find you on that shining highroad as I came--
Walk slowly dear, and often look behind you, and pause to hear if someone calls your name".

With ALL my love, Jenny

Thursday, September 22, 2016

Final Piece!

The last piece!  Our wrens and their house.  I know it is hard to see, but there are three wrens here--one is on top of the bird house. I will change/add/delete a few details as I hook, I always do!  But this is now ready to transfer to the backing.

Sunday, September 18, 2016

Sunday 9/18/2016

OK, still have one section left to design--leaves to hook and add--and I am still designing the ceiling section. 

For scale, Wade is 5' 11" tall.

I feel kind of lost without a hooking piece to go work on!  But to have accomplished this in 4 1/2 months makes me very happy!


Monday, September 12, 2016

Wednesday, September 7, 2016

New Doll Arrives

I have always loved the dolls made by Izannah Walker.  Of course, even the repros were out of my price range.  I always hoped an Izannah would find her way home to me, but imagine combining an Izannah with my most loved doll medium, hand carved wood--and then imagine her coming to live with me.  Well, I no longer have to imagine, she is now a reality!!
 This pensive, precious little girl may be silent, but she speaks volumes to me.

Thursday, September 1, 2016

12 days, just over half done

The cooler, more fall like temps and humidity are really helping me along!

Friday, August 26, 2016

Progress, Week One!

I started hooking this last Friday--

VERY pleased with how much I got done!

 The cooler weather has helped immensely, I have more energy and don't have to sweat holding all this wool in my hands.
I have added myself to this, can you find me?  LOL, not exactly, but I have added a butterfly, who will be purple. Purple butterflies are the symbol of Fibromyalgia, and as much as I hate to let a disease define me, it IS my life. However, you will note she is flying AWAY, not towards the tree, like the other critters.  This is to symbolize that she cannot stay, the day will come when she flies off to Heaven.

Thursday, August 18, 2016

Rug Mural Progress!

Phase 3 has been added!  The white leaves are my paper patterns.  I plan to hook separate leaves and tack them to the front. making a more dimensional piece.

It took a solid week to do the drawing, tracing, and transferring of Phase 2, which is the large piece that will hang at the top. But tomorrow I can start hooking it!

  This is the center.......
This is the left side.......
  And this is the right side.

 This is the whole piece, it is 22 1/2" wide at the widest point, and the length is 89". I'm not TOO crazy...............

Monday, August 8, 2016

Ignoring the World

The world goes on out there--somewhere far from me.  I have become the proverbial ostrich with my head in the sand--or the trees, as the case may be.  As my darling hubby points out to me, there is nothing I can do about things that are happening in the world, no matter how terrible they are, so I may as well ignore them.  But being who I am, I say "Chuck it in the F*** it bucket and forget it."  ( I always did have a vocabulary that would make a sailor blush......)

So I am hooking most days, and planning the additions to "The Rug", as my family now calls it. 
 Hard to see my chicken scratches, "Phase 2" is the big part across the top, "Phase 3" is the part on the right.  The other ones are not drawn yet, as I will probably change 15 things as I go. Of course I thought I had enough linen for the top, but I was short--had to order it.  SO I started on Phase 3 first, since I already had everything.

 This is a rendition of our silly chickadees.  A couple years ago, they took over one of the hummingbird feeders, so Wade started filling it with water for them.  They have their own personal water supply, the 4 birdbaths we have are not good enough for them, I guess!  Quite often we see them lined up on a branch, waiting for their turn to get a drink.  So polite!  This always makes us laugh, so I had to add them and their story to "The Rug".

 My intention, at this point, is to hook separate leaves and leaf clusters, and attach them to the border to help blend the new pieces into the original one. At first I was only going to have the branches and leaves coming out of the top, but as usual, my crazy brain took over, then it picked up my imagination, stole a fast car, and took off down the road!  I am now contemplating painting some branches and leaves out onto the ceiling--who knows what else may develop!

Saturday, July 30, 2016

Rug, Phase 1--DONE

Just in time, as the next big heatwave is supposed to start tomorrow!  I will be planning/drawing Phase 2, but no way am I hooking until it cools off here.


Thursday, July 21, 2016

First in a long time

I have been drawing/sketching/painting since I was 10  (long, LONG time ago!)  Over the years, I got into many other things, and this ability just sat there and quietly waited for me to come back.

When I decided to come back to it, I first needed my model/muse--then she arrived.  Then Amazon had Prime Day, and I treated myself to glorious new art materials, some of which I never knew existed!  This is 11" by 14", done in watercolor pencils and inks.

Sunday, July 17, 2016

My Muse has Arrived!

For quite a while now, I have been searching for a "model" for my drawing and painting, which I have decided to get back into.  She had to have certain qualifications--I needed her to be very posable, and able to hold those poses--I didn't want some "cover girl",  I wanted her to be slightly "other worldly", maybe a bit Goth, have a certain haunting quality to her looks--not be necessarily beautiful, so much as interesting.
So, yes, all of this is a tall order, and not easy to find. But find her I did!  Meet Ember, who came all the way from Russia to be my model.


Friday, July 15, 2016


One corner left to do!  Hopefully will be ready for the binding/finishing on Sunday, it is so big and heavy, I need Wade to help hold it while I am machine sewing the binding to the edges.
While I am planning "phase 2", I am in no rush to draw it and start working--supposed to get super hot, and I need a break, so I will work on something else.

Sunday, July 10, 2016


ST. PAUL, Minn. - Minnesota's largest labor union serving law enforcement across the state is calling Governor Dayton's recent comments following the shooting death of Philando Castile "unthinkable and irresponsible," and "reckless."
On Sunday, Sean Gormley, executive director of Law Enforcement Labor Services, released the following statement:
Last week’s tragic shootings in Dallas, Falcon Heights, Minn. and Baton Rouge have tested our emotions, our faith and our resolve as a community and a nation. Difficult issues are justifiably being confronted and tensions are running high.
Thorough and impartial investigations of these incidents are essential to ensure and preserve the public trust in law enforcement. Indeed, the families and loved ones personally affected by these tragedies deserve no less.
However, the fact that Governor Dayton would disregard this investigatory process and use the power of his office to share a premature and unsupported conclusion about the shooting of Mr. Castile just hours after his death is unthinkable and irresponsible.
Further, in light of the fatal shootings of five Dallas police officers later the same day, amid heightened tensions across the entire nation, the governor’s comments could also be viewed as reckless.
As members of law enforcement, we understand there will always be questions when officers discharge their weapons and lives are lost. We acknowledge the anger and the demand for answers that these incidents can trigger.
As we all mourn the lives lost in these tragedies and seek a thoughtful dialogue on issues of race and law enforcement practices, the governor has unfortunately already chosen sides and cast judgment on all cops.
Police officers have a duty to protect and to serve all—including those who dislike or distrust cops. The governor’s comments have only deepened the divide between these groups and made our jobs more difficult and more dangerous.

We expect a great deal more from the holder of the highest office in the state of Minnesota.

HEY DAYTON--are you happy NOW???

Mayor Chris Coleman and St. Paul Police Chief Todd Axtell held a news conference regarding overnight protests Sunday morning.
"This has been a very, very long evening and early morning for the city of St. Paul," said Coleman. "Unfortunately last night, some of the individuals who gathered at the Governor's residence, decided to go from peaceful protest and exercise of the First Amendment rights, to rioting."
There were 21 St. Paul police officers who were injured in the overnight protests.
Chief Axtell spoke following Mayor Coleman.
"Last night, really was the first time in my 28 years as a police officer, that I had observed the level of violence that was directed towards public servants," said Axtell. "It's really a disgrace. Protesters last night turned into criminals. I'm absolutely disgusted by the actions of some. We will not tolerate it."
Meanwhile, six Minnesota State Patrol troopers were injured during the incident.
"Those troopers and officers went right into harm's way and it was very difficult to watch and make decisions to put them in harm's way knowing they were being pelted, assaulted and thrown (at) with rocks, rebar and otehr items," said Minnesota State Patrol Col. Matt Langer.
A total of 102 people were arrested during a protest that shut down parts of Interstate 94 in St. Paul Saturday night in response to the shooting death of Philando Castile.
Crews cleaned debris off the road as crowds started leaving I-94 after over four hours of protesting and headed toward the governor's residence, where the protest originally began Saturday afternoon.
Around 9 p.m. Saint Paul Police Department officers negotiated with protesters to make "symbolic arrests." The protest remained peaceful until about 9:30 p.m. At one point as the protest turned violent, children were removed from I-94 for safety measures.
Protesters began throwing objects, including fireworks, rebar, bricks and a molotov cocktail at officers, according to the St. Paul Police Department. There were 21 police officers injured from thrown objects, including a hit to the head from a 25 pound item.
St. Paul Police Department officers started using glass balls with smoke and marking rounds on aggressors. Protesters later covered their noses and mouths after a different form of gas was released.
Police officers warned protesters it was an unlawful assembly and crowd and would be arrested if they did not disperse.

Thursday, July 7, 2016

This was NOT about RACE!

I am sure that by now, most everyone has heard about a Minnesota policeman who killed an innocent man.  

I have seen the videos.  I have heard the statements.  This was, in my opinion, murder.  Murder by a trigger happy, scared, poorly trained policeman. When Philandro Castile told the police officer that he was carrying a gun, and had a license to carry it, the RIGHT thing for the cop to have done was say--

"Put your hands where I can see them, and slowly exit the vehicle."

At this point, Castile could have been handcuffed--for the officers safety--and patted down to find the gun.

This is what SHOULD have happened, and tonight an innocent man would not be dead.

Yes, it is horrible.  But then, what do we hear?  Our IDIOT GOVERNOR DAYTON publicly stating that Castile would not have been shot if he had been white.

Dayton, just where the hell do you get off making such an incredibly asinine statement???   WHY would you bring race into this?  ANYONE who had been sitting in that seat would have been shot by this cop, because he was going to shoot first and ask questions later.  This was NOT about color, but by publicly saying it was, you have dropped a match into a fire that has been on simmer for many months.  You had no right to make such an assumption and make it sound like fact, when it is just your pathetic attempt  to make yourself look good to the black community.  You are a stupid, stupid man. This careless statement could be the catalyst for violence, riots, officers being targeted, all kinds of bad things.  Guess whose shoulders this will all be on? Hint--the name sounds like Gov Dayton.

I have said it before, I say it still--
Men in denim built this land-----
Men in suits destroyed it.

Tuesday, June 28, 2016

Progress--LOTS of progress!

My rug/wall hanging is coming along great! I am changing things as I go.  Once hung, I will do the drawings for the "add on" pieces--I am thinking of hooking tree branches and stuffing them, to make them dimensional.  Hooking leaves that will be tacked on later, also dimensional.  So many ideas in my head, this is something I could just work on for months. Real tree branches across the ceiling?  Possibly!!! With hooked leaves? 

Sometimes I am surprised my brain doesn't explode from all the stuff in there.

Monday, June 27, 2016

A Gift

Before I go to bed at night, I like to spend a few quiet minutes sitting in the dark, unwinding from the day.  In the warmer months, I like to sit outside on the deck. I call this my "God Time".  Because, well, this is when I talk to God. When I thank Him for all my blessings, and tell him of my hopes and fears.

Last night, I received a most unexpected gift.  All of a sudden, the trees and woods all around me were lit up with thousands of fireflies!  Everywhere I looked, they were twinkling, like the trees had been strung with Christmas lights.  They were everywhere I looked--and it was such a surreal sight, so very magical.  I don't know how long we were there--God, me and the fireflies--it might have been 10 minutes, it might have been an hour. They swirled over and all around me, I felt so much LOVE, and was filled with the most perfect peace.   Then they slowly went off to do whatever it is that fireflies do--and then it was just God, me and the dark again.

I was surprised to feel tears on my face.  I guess I just could not contain that much emotional beauty.

Sometimes I write to share things.   Sometimes I write because all the words just come tumbling out of me, and have to be put somewhere.  Sometimes I write so I won't forget something.

But I will never, ever, forget the night the fireflies danced just for me.

Sunday, June 26, 2016

In Memory--Richard Heath

Last evening, a brave sailor went through his final storm.  He made it through to the other side, reached out, and was helped aboard by Gods Hand.
Nothing but calm seas and clear skies for him now.   

Wednesday, June 15, 2016

Somber Thoughts

A very dear friend of mine is going through this right now--her husband is in hospice, dying of cancer.

The phrase "There but for the grace of God" keeps going through my mind.  I know, in my heart, that this is something we all may have to face some day.  I pray for her, her family, and for a peaceful end for her husband.  

As I get older, thoughts of my mortality--and those I love--are with me daily. 

The problem is, I don't know how I would face this.  Do ANY of us know, unless (and until) we are faced with the same circumstances? Anyone who says they haven't thought of this is either in denial or is lying.  

I keep remembering something my Mom said to me, shortly before she died.  She had been very sick, and I thought we would lose her at that point.  We didn't--and later, when I told her this, she said "But honey--I wouldn't have KNOWN that I died." 

Think about this.  You have no conscious thought after death, so of course you are not aware that you have died.  For some strange reason, her words have comforted me in the years since her passing.  I also lost a very dear friend several years ago-more of a brother to me than my own family--and again, those words--"I wouldn't have known I died"......have been a comfort.  

Life is short, we have all heard these words.  We are leaves in a  river, going where the current takes us, and always hoping we will end up some place good.  It is not up to us, it is up to God.

Richard--I pray that wherever your final journey takes you, it is some place good.  Some place with oceans for you to sail on, the breeze at your back, the sun on your face.  Some place you can sail and be at peace. 

Some place you don't know you are dead.  Because you are not--you are reborn in Christ.

Sail on, dear man.

Monday, June 13, 2016

Last Weeks Progress

Amazing how much I am getting done in small bits of time here and there!  This is last weeks progress, forgot to add it.  I am so enjoying working on this.  I am changing things as I go along--I wanted the leaves and sky to be more realistic, so I am fixing that as I go.  Now I am working on the right side, I had a problem with the big bird in  the nest, just below the owl.  I couldn't figure out what kind of bird he was supposed to be, so finally I decided to make him a Mourning Dove, since we have those in our yard.  New update pics next Monday!

Monday, June 6, 2016

Brock Allen Turner---RAPIST--No matter WHAT his idiot father says!

I TRY to stay away from news stories, because most of them just tick me off--but I will NOT stay silent about this one!

  "The father of the former Stanford swim team member who was found guilty last Thursday of sexually assaulting an unconscious woman in 2015 said in a statement that his son shouldn’t be penalized for “20 minutes of action.”
Brock Allen Turner, 20, who was sentenced to six months in county jail, three years’ probation, and to register as a sex offender, was charged with assault with intent to commit rape of an intoxicated/unconscious person, penetration of an intoxicated person, and penetration of an unconscious person.
On Thursday — and recently posted on Twitter — a statement was read by Brock Turner’s father, Dan Turner, that said his son “barely consumes any food and eats just to exist. … (Brock’s) life will never be the one that he dreamed about and worked so hard to achieve. That is a steep price to pay for 20 minutes of action out of his 20 plus years of life.”
Many have been outraged by the lenient sentence for the crime committed. The Washington Post reports that prosecutors wanted Turner’s sentence to last six years, but that Judge Aaron Persky said a tougher sentence would “have a severe impact on (Turner.)”

OK---let me make a really radical statement here--(addressing the fact that a tougher sentence would "quote have a severe impact on him." unquote)...


All I see here is another little rich brat breaking the law (think Ethan Couch, the "Affluenza" kid").  Mommy and Daddy using their money to buy him a softer sentence.  Happens all the time. 

Yes, I stand up and scream for rape victims, as I am one myself.  This pathetic excuse for a "man" and his son should BOTH do prison time, the father for being such a freaking asshole.

Dan Turner, I say to you--you are a MAJOR jackass.  No wonder your son turned out the way he did.  May you be crucified by every social media outlet there is--and by every blogger who, like me, is incensed by your callous words.   "His life will never be the one he dreamed of and worked so hard to achieve."  WHOSE FAULT IS THAT??  His and his alone.  I am glad he will at least have to register as a sex offender, because make no mistake, THAT IS WHAT HE IS.
I hope you both rot in hell. 

Sunday, May 29, 2016

Long, Long Time

The past winter has been very hard on me, and I haven't really gotten much done.  Almost recovered now, and I have decided to pursue my dream of a rug hooking of a tree--big--and then add onto it later, with branches and leaves that go up onto the ceiling and across the walls.
When I found this design by Lib Callaway, I knew it was the perfect starting point.  At 39" by 60", big enough to depict what I want, yet not over power my living room, where it will hang.

 I am not rushing, working sometimes only 15 minutes a day, but I am REALLY enjoying this!  I am making changes as I go along, to better depict the plants and birds and critters that we live with. Yesterday, I got to the top of the tree!

 So far we are having a very cool spring, so I am content to work on this--when it gets really hot, I will take a break--no fun sitting under a wool rug when it's 90 degrees!

Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Reports of my death have been (slightly) exaggerated

So, two weeks ago, I was hauled to the ER with some alarming symptoms.  Skull cracking pain in my head, vomiting, heart palpitations, and a blood pressure of 230/180.  

Dr's considered an aneurism, or a stroke.  Once stabilized I was given an EKG and CT scan.  They found--nothing wrong.  My headache and nausea were apparently caused by stress, which in turn affected my heart and blood pressure.  Who knew that stress could do all that?  (Now the reason behind that stress is a whole other story......)

So I felt very fortunate (Once the head pains subsided).  What I failed to take into consideration was the fact that I have fibromyalgia.  Fibro + Stress =Flareup.  MAJOR flareup.  So major, in fact, that I failed to realize what it was!  In the past, a "flare" meant increased pain and exhaustion.  Not this time!  Suddenly I have the increased pain and exhaustion--PLUS lots of stomach/digestive trouble (think IBS), off and on nausea, more headaches, TMJ pain in my face and jaw,  and inflammation in my ribs that is so bad I am having trouble breathing.  Walking from one room to another is so exhausting I have to sit down and rest.  I can barely eat, I have no appetite, and when I do eat I get nauseous.  And when I don't eat I get nauseous.  

I got the message from my body this time, loud and clear--CALM DOWN AND REST.   Which is about all I am capable of doing these days.  So, although I may LOOK dead, I really am still hanging on--barely.

If you know a Fibro sufferer, hug them gently and tell them you love them.  Then ask what you can do to help them.

Then help us pray for a cure.  Because truly, this is NO way to live.

Saturday, March 26, 2016

Enjoy your EASTER while we can still celebrate it

It seems like Easter is one of the few things us Christians can still openly celebrate--at least for now.

Has anyone else noticed that, one by one, all the traditional American celebrations are being taken away?  No more Valentines in schools, no more Christmas (shh, don't even say that WORD).  Why is this happening?  Oh, because NON Americans are flooding our country, and these things OFFEND them.  So of course, we must appease these ignorant people, and bow down to them, and allow them to destroy our American way of life one symbol at a time. 

STAND UP, AMERICA!   This is OUR country, and anyone coming here should conform to US, not the other way around.   As long as we continue to allow this, our country will continue to disintegrate.  

Thursday, March 24, 2016

Queen Anne Doll

Queen Anne little girl, 10" tall, by doll artist Alena Sinel.  There are LOTS of people carving Queen Anne dolls now, but in my opinion, no one can come close to the artistry of Alena Sinel.  I don't know how she does it, but her dolls have SOULS.

I have other dolls by her--Clarimonde, Angelique and Lacey Rue.  They are all about 13" tall, and are not really "Queen Anne" dolls, although they are made in that style.  But I wanted a true Queen Anne--I have been looking at many dolls, but none of them grabbed me, until I saw this little girl.  I LOVE that she is so tiny!  She should be home next week.  I hope she brings spring with her, I am so depressed with the snow and cold we are having.

As a side note; I got a new computer.  After ten years with the old one, it was time.   Warning--Windows 10 SUCKS.  It is like they made this computer (HP Envy model) NOT to fill the needs of the user, who paid 700 dollars for it, but to satisfy the makers. There is more crap here that I will never use (Priceline, Tripadvisor, etc) and it is anything but user friendly.  The default email program is a complete joke--you cannot make ANY new folders, and every time you get an email you have replied to, it gives you the whole stinking thread of emails--like you forgot what you just said??  I am sure I have deleted many unread out of pure confusion.

Also, a big shout out to my friends--I no longer have your email addresses, because I could not import them from my old email program!  SO unless you send me an email, so I can save it, I have no way to email you.  My head cannot remember everyones addresses.  I put them all on an external hard drive before I shut down my old computer, but I cannot get them to go onto this horrible email program.

I am searching for a new email program that is compatible with Windows Sucky 10.

Did I mention I hate Windows 10?

Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Giovanna Rosa--a possible Schoenhut Prototype

After much research, I have come to the conclusion that Giovanna IS  a Schoenhut doll--I believe she was made as either a prototype for a larger doll that was never produced, or a custom doll, in the likeness of a real girl.  The joints are Schoenhut--the spring mechanisms that allow her movements were patented by Schoenhut, no one else was doing them.  She is obviously old enough to have been made around 1911.  She is definitely a unique, one of a kind doll, and as such, I have no idea of her monetary value.  I do think she belongs in a museum, but I am just not ready to part with her at this point.  Maybe when I am too old to lift her, I will donate her to a museum--until then, I get to enjoy her.