Tuesday, December 21, 2021

Attention ALL News Networks!

 Tonight I was made aware that the orange asshole has a speech planned for January 6th, the one year anniversary of his coup attempt and insurrection.

I will be HEAVILY monitoring this, and ANY "news" outlet that covers it--

you will henceforth be dead to me, to my family, and to as many other American patriots as we can get to join with us.

This is NOT news, and should be ignored.  Sadly, I know many will cover it for RATINGS (you know, money money money ).  The thought that you would air this makes me physically ill.  You are going to give a domestic terrorist AIR TIME??  Of course FOX (FUKS) news will air it, because they hate America.  But as for the rest?  Go ahead, I dare you.  The American people are fed up with all the bullshit you try to stuff down our throats every day. MOST of what you "report" is just clickbait to keep people tuning in, and stoking fear.  Those of us with a brain---and there are many, believe me--know that very little that you tell us is true.  The American people have had ENOUGH. 

Get this through your heads--


Trump will be in prison by 2024.