Monday, June 27, 2022

A Few words about "friendship"

As many times as I have had a "friend" turn on me, you would think I would be used to it by now.   

At least it doesn't hurt me any more.  I just have one last thing to say to this person--

If you are going to be two-faced, you could at least make one of them pretty. 

Sunday, June 5, 2022

Let's Talk about GUNS

Well, it seems like this is all we hear about any more---and of course, I have some opinions.......

Let's face the facts, we will NEVER be able to control the guns!  There are just too many of them.  But let's just say, for the sake of discussion, that the government started controlling the AMMUNITION MAKERS.  As in, pass enough laws that they can no longer make so much.  If you can't find baby formula, why not the same problem with ammo?  No ammunition makes the guns pretty useless, doesn't it?

The lawmakers and others are targeting the wrong thing by going after the gun makers. It's time to think outside the box. 

Sunday, January 30, 2022

Searching for Sanity in todays world

I (mostly) try to avoid the news.  I check the weather, but for the most part, every single thing the news says is a "story" is just that--a story.  Full of a lies and half truths, maybe a tiny bit of truth--but heaven knows we must terrify the American people, so they will keep tuning in--because, you know, RATINGS.  And ratings equals money.

So these days I try desperately to find something to do, to fill the darkness of these late winter days. With Covid, we rarely go out anywhere, and I must admit this is not a terrible thing--52 years of marriage, and we are happiest at home with each other.  

SO---my daughter was after me to hook a "self portrait" rug, since I did one of Wade years ago.  I got busy with designing it, when something strange happened--another project just fell into my lap.

I have toyed with the idea of hooking a valance for the center of my bay window, but I had no idea what to do.  Then, as I searched for drawings of leaves online to get some inspiration for my self portrait rug background, I found the most amazing website--all royalty free drawings.  And in there was a grapevine--

And the rest of the world will have to wait a while, because I knew I HAD to hook this.

 Then, as I worked on this, I thought how neat it would be to attach some hanging "grapes" when I am done, and I found the PERFECT grapes--vintage, on Etsy!

So I have found a little island of sanity for now.  

I thank my dear friend Betty for teaching me to hook. 

Thursday, January 6, 2022

January 6, 2022

 In my mind, today should be declared a National Day of ANGER.  Not mourning, although we certainly ARE mourning. But let's face what we are really feeling.

ANGER.  Trump attempted a coup, and he is still walking free, a year later.  The many Congressmen (and women) who supported, and even helped him, are also free.  Getting paid salary's by the American taxpayer.  THIS IS WRONG!!

 Many law enforcement people DIED, and the man who is mainly responsible has yet to pay the price for this.

And let us also not forget the hundreds of THOUSANDS of American lives that were lost due to the Sniveling Orange Assholes refusal to deal with Covid.  Had we had a RESPONSIBLE president, I do not believe the death toll would be this high.

So here we are, one year later.  

Still waiting for America to come back to what is right.   For it to be the America most of us grew up in, the America we are proud of, the America we love.

Is there ANYONE, in ANY position of "power"  (In other words, politicians) who is willing to stand up and deal with this?  To help America heal?

Sadly, I do not see anyone who can fix this.  America was doomed the day the Orange Idiot became president.

I hope everyone who voted for him is happy with what they have done.  Because they have condemned us all to Hell.

I am glad I don't have to go to sleep tonight knowing I was one of those idiots.

However, I find comfort in going to sleep tonight, knowing full well that ASSOLINI and his kids probably are not sleeping very well, with all they have hanging over them.  This makes me smile, and in this messed up world right now, feeling like smiling is a thing to be treasured!