Friday, June 9, 2017

Trump says he will testify under oath about what he told Comey about Flynn

And of course he wouldn't LIE----would he?  (Well if his lips are moving, he's probably lying....)

OH I have it--he should have to be hooked up to a polygraph when he testifies.  I would PAY to see this.

Thursday, June 1, 2017

Trump to planet: Drop dead

No surprise that the POS has pulled the US out of the climate deal--because, well, duh---climate change is not real, just something people made up.  So it's our imagination that 

Massive crack in Antarctica ice shelf grows 11 miles in only 6 days

No problem, folks.  The only real problem is, will the United States survive 4 more years of this jackass?  I have my doubts.