Tuesday, May 21, 2019

The Government does NOT own womens bodies!

WHY is the government--which is comprised mainly of MEN--allowed to have ANY say over what a woman does with her body??

Do you see ANY laws that pertain to a MANS body??  NO??
No surprise there!

NO ONE OWNS MY BODY BUT ME!!    How freaking DARE anyone make LAWS about what I can and can't do with it????

Yes, I am furious, and with good reason.  The government has NO RIGHT to legislate or police my body.  NO RIGHT!!  

I don't see them telling men they can't have vasectomies. My GOD, think of the MILLIONS of potential babies they are killing!!!

We need to stand up and be heard.  Do we live in TrumpArica?  Or AMERICA?

Friday, March 15, 2019

And in the news today..........

Breaking news!  If you eat three eggs a day, or the cholesterol equivalent,  you might die sooner from heart disease or stroke!

Every day, they tell us things like this.  Drink too much coffee?


And then you read stories about people that are lifetime fitness experts, who die young--from something as simple as jogging.

I hate to be the one to break the news to you, but ........


LIVE your life!  Enjoy it, be happy! 

Wednesday, February 13, 2019

Bill Cosby says he won't feel remorse because he's a 'political prisoner'


Today I read that a convicted rapist said he will  "never feel remorse"--

And he has compared himself to Martin Luther King Jr,  Mahatma Ghandi, and Nelson Mandela.

To the best of my knowledge, none of these three men have been convicted of being a serial rapist. 

Way to go, Cosby.  Good luck in your parole hearings.

You will rot in prison, and that is very fitting.