Wednesday, February 28, 2018

Random thoughts.............

That little voice in your head?  It means something.  LISTEN TO IT.

Never let anyone tell you how to think, what to think, or make you doubt yourself.

You don't have "thigh gap?"  Congratulations, you are halfway to being a mermaid!!!

The world does not exist to appease you.  Get over it.

This is your life.  You do not get a second chance--what are you doing with it?

If you have a house, enough food to eat, and money to pay your bills, you are richer than half of the world. BE THANKFUL! 

We are all fighting a personal battle--be kind.

Sunday, February 18, 2018

A Lesson Learned

When we are young, we think somehow that we have all the time in the world to do the things we want to do.  But in the words of someone wise,
"LIFE" is what happens to us while we are making other plans.

Over 20 years ago, I stopped doing what I loved the most--needlepoint/petitpoint--in order to pursue new crafts and new ideas. None of which I was very good at.  Unlike needlepoint, which I can say with all modesty, I excelled at.  This is not to brag--it is just a simple fact.  While most of the world seemed to be doing tedious stitch exercises, or stitching goofy looking frogs, I was quietly creating masterpieces.  Not MY words--I was told this by everyone who saw my work.  Yet I blithely set it aside, to come back to "some day".

The trouble with "some day", is that it doesn't exist, except in our minds. I learned this all too well when I decided to go back to my first love, and discovered that my eyes had other plans.

I learned I was going blind.  I am slowly losing my eyesight to macular degeneration, at the age of 66.  I am taking special vitamins, but this is not going to "fix" me.  After dealing with the diagnosis of Fibromyalgia, and coming to terms with the fact that I had lost part of "me"--now I was facing blindness.  As an artist, there is nothing that could have been more devastating.  I was actually diagnosed over a year ago, but am only now able to talk about it.  I mean, it's not like you can send out announcements saying HEY GUESS WHAT??  I am going blind!!  I went through all the emotions, I threw myself a pity party, and now I am ready and eager to use the time I have left-and the eyesight I have left--to do what I love the most.

To this end, I bought myself a magnifier/light, and am back to working on my tapestries.   I may never "finish" them--but for now, I am happy.  I am content.  I am doing what I was meant to do.

And here is SUMMER, from a painting by Alphonse Mucha.  Petit point, 18 mesh canvas.  That translates to 324 tiny stitches per square inch, every single one of them put in by hand, one at a time.

Monday, February 12, 2018

Good Morning, America! AND WHAT ARE YOU OFFENDED BY TODAY?????

Enough.  ENOUGH!  Every day it gets worse.  Someone--anyone, is offended by--
a word
a movie
a story
or anything else anyone can possibly be "offended" by----

And suddenly it is news worthy!  

Guess what, people? I know this will be hard to understand, and even harder to believe, but

The world is not here to placate you, to coddle you, to conform to your every feeling.  It is what it is.

Someone says something you don't like?
A movie has a scene you don't like?
A new story says something you don't like?


This world is not here to appease your every thought and emotion. Get over it.
Get over yourself.
Who made you think you were so special?? 

When did America become a nation of WHINERS????  Boo hoo, poor you.  

I am sick to death of it.  This world gets worse and worse. I shudder to think what will be going on here in another 10 years.

Books are being banned.  BOOKS are being banned--AGAIN.  Did we learn NOTHING by this the FIRST time?

America--you are going to hell, faster than I ever believed.

Sunday, February 4, 2018

Oh no, you DIDN'T..........................

.........except yes, you did.  You really did.

Of all the Prince songs you could have chosen for the Super Bowl halftime show, you chose "I Would Die For You".

Not Purple Rain, or one of his other greats, you had to chose the one about him dying.

Does no one have even an OUNCE of basic sense any more????

Friday, February 2, 2018

Randall Margraves--Sir, I Salute You!!!

Father lunges at Larry Nassar in court before being restrained

After hearing his three daughters detail their sexual molestation at the hands of Nassar, Randall Margraves asked the judge for 5 minutes alone in a room with Nassar.  Of course, the judge declined.  The he asked for ONE minute--again denied, and he went after Nassar on his own.

He never touched him because NASSAR had multiple people protecting him.  Unlike all the young girls Nassar molested.

Our legal system protects the guilty.  ALWAYS.  How about the man who coldly shot his two young daughters to death while his wife listened in horror over a speaker phone? Finally executed last night, but his lawyers were worried he might "suffer" during the execution.  You know what? HE DESERVED TO SUFFER!  

The Bible says, "an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth"--and yes, it also says "Vengeance is mine, sayeth the Lord", but I am not getting into all that right now.

Randall Margraves acted in the most normal, primal way to a man who hurt his children. I am sorry he did not get to Nassar, however--

you won't ALWAYS have protection, Nassar. When you are in prison, there will be LOTS of men lined up to get you, and one or more of them WILL succeed. (Hint--don't drop the soap, Larry....... ;>)

But I digress.  We try to say we are a "civilized" society, but that is just a guise to hire fancy lawyers and let bad people walk free.

Personally, I would LOVE to see Mr. Margraves get his one minute alone in a locked room with Nassar.  Then the taxpayers would not have to support this asshole for the rest of his miserable life.

Instead, we will have to be content to sit by and let his Karma get him--and I KNOW this is going to be good!!