Tuesday, November 14, 2017

Once in a Lifetime

 I would like to introduce Miss Garnet Remembrance--a Queen Anne reproduction doll made by the Canadian artist Kathy Patterson of Babes from the Woods.  She arrived last week, no clothes, because I couldn't afford the doll AND her clothes!  It took me a while to figure out a pattern for her dress.  Today she received her antique garnet necklace, which is actually one of a pair of earrings--the perfect scale!  So sister Tilly will have a matching necklace, just as soon as my eyes uncross from stringing the beads.......

This incredible doll is 15" tall, and as authentic as you can get to a real, 200-300 year old Queen Anne doll.  Everything about her, from her patina to her flat back, joints and hands, is perfectly recreated.  I saved for a LONG time to be able to get her, and she was worth every dollar.

Sunday, October 29, 2017

Miss Tilly arrives home!

This week brought the first snowfall of the season, and along with it,  Miss Tilly arrived home to Minnesota.  She arrived naked and cold, but with a warm smile and sweet disposition.  She borrowed a dress until I can make her a more suitable one.

She has the most beautiful patina.  She was obviously made with much love.  Judging by her paint and the wood condition, I estimate her to be between 100--150 years old. 

Friday, October 27, 2017


I have one photo of the little girl who has caused so much uproar--I heard she was in a book somewhere, but I don't know WHAT book!  Anyone with any info on her, it would be much appreciated!  She is 17" tall. Better pics when she arrives home! (and I still cannot look at her without smiling!!)

Wednesday, October 25, 2017

So today I bought a doll on Ruby Lane...................

I LOVE to look at the dolls on Ruby Lane, although I seldom buy any.  I think maybe I have made three purchases in the last 5 years---
but today I saw a doll for sale, as soon as I saw her I broke into a huge smile--and any doll that can make me smile like that needs to come home!

So I clicked the purchase button, and went right to Paypal to pay for her.  I was really happy that the seller is the same lady I have bought from twice before, her name is Carla Thompson, and you could not find a more honest, up front seller any where!

So a while later, Carla emailed me, because I had asked some questions about where she found the doll, etc.  She told me all she knew-I love a dolls provenance, it is part of who she is.  But then she told me something that made me REALLY MAD.

In the short half hour since I had purchased this doll,  Carla received 5 emails and 11 telephone calls about her.  Two of these women actually asked her to "tell the buyer she was no longer for sale" and offered more than her asking price.  In short, they asked a reputable dealer to lie and deceive an HONEST customer.

What makes someone so self-entitled that they think they can go behind someones back and steal---yes, STEAL--the doll that person just purchased???  How would they feel if someone did that to THEM?  Of course they don't think of things like that.  The end justifys the means.  Well "ladies"--and I use that term loosely--here is a big, middle finger salute to your dishonesty, greed, and lack of conscience.  Karma is a bitch, girls, and you just signed up for a really good one!!

Wednesday, August 23, 2017

Losing my Heart AGAIN

You would think that by now, I would know better than to look at Alena Sinels dolls.  I don't know how she does it, but there is something in them that just speaks to my heart.  And even as I tell myself a million times that I do NOT need another doll, that never seems to stop me.  I see a certain face and I lose my mind (and a nice chunk of money).  

So that is what happened when this Goth bunny made an appearance on Pinterest one day..........

    Yes, I know it's crazy, but that face--that FACE!  She makes me want to hug her, and she has that indefinable "something" that triggers a partial  memory of something--someone--from way back in my childhood.  I have never been able to grasp the entire memory, just wisps of it, and Alenas dolls stir that memory in me.  I see the doll, and I tumble back to being a little girl again.  I hold the doll, and that feeling is even stronger. I know you can't put a price on feelings, so maybe I should just give up and accept that there will probably always be a doll by Alena that tells me she must be mine.  

Yes, this bunny girl is on her way to me--I think she will arrive tomorrow. I am hopeless.    

(In my own defense , I should mention that I got her for less than Alena was originally asking--she had made a bunch of dolls for a doll show in October, and then found out her dog was pregnant and would be having puppies in October, so she would not be able to attend the doll show---)

Friday, August 11, 2017

Solution for World Peace

I say, put these 2 assholes in a locked room, and let them duke it out.  Leave the rest of the world out of their little boy pissing contest.

Wednesday, July 5, 2017

Hobby Lobby smuggled ancient artifacts

I always liked Hobby Lobby for the fact that they are closed Sundays--they seemed to value family and Christian values.  But as in so many things, the truth comes out now---
proof that you cannot judge a book by its cover.  They have just lost a customer, I will not shop here ever again.


Friday, June 9, 2017

Trump says he will testify under oath about what he told Comey about Flynn

And of course he wouldn't LIE----would he?  (Well if his lips are moving, he's probably lying....)

OH I have it--he should have to be hooked up to a polygraph when he testifies.  I would PAY to see this.

Thursday, June 1, 2017

Trump to planet: Drop dead

No surprise that the POS has pulled the US out of the climate deal--because, well, duh---climate change is not real, just something people made up.  So it's our imagination that 

Massive crack in Antarctica ice shelf grows 11 miles in only 6 days

No problem, folks.  The only real problem is, will the United States survive 4 more years of this jackass?  I have my doubts.



Friday, May 26, 2017

Not my circus, Not my monkey

Yet still I feel I must issue an open apology to the rest of the world, for the miserable excuse of a president we have to put up with. Shoving someone like the bully that he is.

From now on, rather than referring to him as POTUS , ( President of the United States,)  I shall refer to him as POS.

I think most people know what THAT stands for.

Friday, May 19, 2017


Sunday, May 7, 2017


Almost to the point where I need to decide my sky--sunrise? Blue sky?  I used a photo program to add the waterfalls and streams.  I am leaning towards the blue sky...........

Sunday, April 30, 2017

Guillermo del Toro: At Home with Monsters

Today we went to the Minneapolis Institute of Arts to see this exhibit.  This man did the monsters and creatures and other effects for some major movies, such as Pan's Labyrinth and Hellboy.  Seeing these things close up--particularly the womens gowns--breathtaking!!

Saturday, April 29, 2017


I keep having to remind myself that this is not meant to be a portrait, it is meant to be a representation of a landscape.  While I cannot do the "water" areas until last, I couldn't resist trying out a bit of my fibers to see how they would work. I used white rayon ribbon and a new metallic yarn I found--I think they will work great!  


Sunday, April 23, 2017

New Hooking!!

I recently saw the most incredible weavings by fiber artist Thalia Truesdell! I used to weave (about 100 years ago....) Anyway, I could not get her weavings out of my mind.

Flash forward to last Thursday--I am discovering that having hubby retired means we can do things we would not normally do.  We went to a HUGE indoor flea market, tons of stuff--antique, vintage, everything from jewelry to clothes to hand made tables, you name it, it was there.  What did I buy? Wood.  Driftwood, to be exact.  I found these two pieces that remind me so much of the ones I used to find along the Mississippi River when I was growing up.
 They are gorgeous--they even have rocks embedded in them.  And then I knew I was going to hook a piece to go with them!

 So here is my roughed out design.  Still many decisions to make before I begin.

Saturday, April 8, 2017


We thought this day would never arrive!  Wade retired yesterday, and today he dropped off his company van--

Thursday, February 9, 2017

Just one of those Unexplainable Things!

I saw a photo of some cats--and I immediately thought of CNN's Anderson Cooper.  Who knew that a cat could so resemble a human?  And I am not even sure WHY..........................


Saturday, February 4, 2017

Friday, February 3, 2017

Just when I needed it............

My daughter emailed this to me this morning, it was the first thing I saw when I went online.

 Thank you, Trina.  Love you.

Wednesday, February 1, 2017

OUR time

Wade "officially" retires on April 7, 2017.  We have gone through all the crap, filed for social security, medicare, etc-----gotten our "notices of Award" in the mail------

YAY!  "We are AWARDING you the money we have illegally stolen from your paychecks all these years, and made lots of interest off of".......

9 more weeks.  9 more weeks and Wade will never again have to get up at 5:30 every morning, and be "on call" every month. 

We can stop spending money, and start spending TIME...........

OUR TIME.  When all is said and done, what is left is OUR TIME.
And the stupid government cannot take THAT away from us!!! 

Sunday, January 29, 2017

Look to Our Future

Saturday, January 28, 2017

Please Do Not Condemn ALL OF US

Cries around the world today are condemning the United States for the actions of one idiot.

PLEASE do not condemn all of us.  Not all of us voted for the imbecile.  Not all of America agrees with his actions. He has gone against every value that America holds dear, all after promising to uphold them.  Is this grounds for impeachment?  I sure as hell hope so.  Because this is just the beginning--and the world cannot survive him and his actions for too long.

Thursday, January 26, 2017

LOL--How to Destroy your Business in one easy step

Knitting store: no yarn for women's movement protesters

FRANKLIN, Tenn. (AP) — The owner of a Tennessee knitting store doesn't want anyone buying its yarn for arts and crafts for the women's movement, following weekend protests by marchers in knitted, pointy-eared hats.
The Tennessean newspaper reported that (http://tnne.ws/2k4Ne5u ) the comments Tuesday on the Facebook page of The Joy of Knitting store in Franklin drew thousands of responses — both support and vows of a boycott.
The social media post by Elizabeth Poe said that as a business owner and a Christian, she promotes values of "mutual respect, love, compassion, understanding, and integrity." She called the women's movement "counterproductive" to unity.
"With the recent women's march on Washington, I ask that you if you want yarn for any project for the women's movement that you please shop for yarn elsewhere," the social media post says. "The vulgarity, vile and evilness of this movement is absolutely despicable."
The post came after thousands of movement marchers Saturday wore the pink, pointy-eared hats they called "pussyhats" — partly responding to Trump's past caught-on-camera remarks about grabbing women's genitalia.
It's unclear whether the store sold any yarn to people who attended the massive march in Washington, .D.C, or the protest in nearby Nashville that was one of many held around the world Saturday.
Poe told The Tennessean that her phone has been ringing nonstop since she made the post. She said she has received more positive private messages than what's visible on the store's Facebook page.
Many commenters on social media called the post bigoted and hypocritical, and they vowed to take their yarn business elsewhere. Others applauded Poe for expressing her strong beliefs.
"This is starting to undermine their efforts," Poe told the newspaper. "... I think if you want to get your point across you need to do it the right way and I just think that walking around dressed as a vulva is gross. Hatred is not acceptable speech."

Well first off--Elizabeth Poe COULD have just kept her mouth shut and her hands off her keyboard, and this would have blown over fairly soon.  Instead, she has earned herself the Idiot of the Month Award.

Secondly--when did a cat hat with pointy ears become a vulva??  I, and my cats, are all offended by such an idiotic remark. Elizabeth Poe needs an anatomy lesson.

And last but not least, basically telling the majority of women that , not only are they not welcome to have the honor to buy your overpriced yarns, they should also be ashamed for standing up for themselves and all women.

In a couple months, if that, there will be an empty storefront in Tennessee up for rent--
just don't put another yarn shop in there, and you should be ok. 

Saturday, January 21, 2017

Umm Hmmm

So you voted for Trump............


And the really sad thing is, you don't even realize yet what you have done--but you WILL.  
Right up until Trump is impeached. And you will have no one to blame but yourselves.
You have basically put an emotional 13 year old  man/child in the highest seat in the country--
God Help Us.
And in case anyone is wondering--my own CHILDREN voted for this fool, believing he would change their lives for the better. Which only goes to show you three things--It is easy to believe lies when you are desperate;  BLM GAVE the win to Trump due to their ridiculous actions and the frustration they caused America over the past year-- and you can raise your children right--but you cannot give them common sense.

Friday, January 20, 2017

Such a Proud Moment (NOT)

I tried very hard to avoid all the Inaugural crap today, but honestly--
such a proud moment, to see our new First Lady walk into the Ball with a skirt slit up to her crotch.   Such class.
I guess she is making it easier for Trump to--you know---

 I guess it is true after all--money really can buy you anything, even the Presidency of the United States.
Today, I am ashamed to be an American.

Monday, January 9, 2017

Words of Warning as you get older!

The week I turned 64, I began to get mail--LOTS of mail, at least three a day and sometimes more--about
social security
burial plots
estate planning 
(and MEDICARE--did I mention MEDICARE???) 

I just want to thank all the greedy American companies who have spent a fortune in postage and mailing supplies in the past year, all trying to get my measly retirement dollars out of my hand before they are even IN my hand.

 I also want to thank you for reminding me on a daily basis that I am an old woman and that I am going to die. NEWS FLASH---
I already KNOW I am going to die, I don't need it shoved in my face Every. Freaking. Time. I. Open. The. Mailbox.

Being 5 months older than dear hubby, now it is HIS turn to get all the mailings.  I turn 65 this week, the mail for me has dropped off--I guess they figure I am already dead, so why bother?  So now the same letters arrive, addressed to Wade.  I wish I had thought of this a year ago, but now we take those letters and write "return to sender" on them, and throw them unopened into the mail. Let the idiots pay the return postage.  You can also open the dang things, usually there is a postage paid addressed envelope in them, and just write NO on a piece of paper and mail it back to them. Either way, they are paying double the postage--for nothing in return. Just my little way of saying "suck it up, Buttercup."

As with so many things in life, all I can do is shake my head (and sometimes my middle finger) .  America must be the greediest country in the world.  Is it going to get better when the circus comes to town on Jan 20?  LOL, you bet'cha!

You ain't seen nothing yet.