Monday, August 19, 2024

Joe Biden--I respect and admire you!

 Open letter to Joe Biden;

Dear President Biden,

I can hardly find the words to express my respect and admiration for you.  You are truly one of the great men who will live on forever in our history.

You thought of our country first.  You placed it above yourself, your ego, and any other politically motivated scenarios.  

When I first heard you were dropping out of the race, I was devastated.  I thought oh no, we are DOOMED!!  Then I saw what was happening, and I looked at the bigger picture.

As a senior myself, I can understand that you have been ill, and that age is creeping up on you.   I know how it feels to recover from the flu, (not Covid as you have done!). I know how every little thing becomes magnified.  How what we used to recover from in a few days now takes a few months. 

I suspect you are tired!  Look at all you have accomplished!  You brought our country back from the very brink of disaster, left with the mess that Trump gave you.  Yet, you did it, Joe!  You turned wrong into right, and set our country back on the right road.

Bless you, President Biden!  I hope you can retire and enjoy your remaining years with the love of your family, and that you find peace in all you have done for us.  You surely deserve to live out the rest of your years in peace and love.  

As for me, I will never forget you and how you sacrificed yourself to save America.  May a thousand blessings be upon you!

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